Upton Snodsbury C of E First School

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Upton Snodsbury C of E First School, School Lane, Worcester, Worcestershire WR7 4NH


01905 381288

Upton Snodsbury C of E First School

"Where a love of learning grows"

  1. Family Information
  2. Closures


During periods of severe weather such as heavy snow or flooding or due to other circumstances beyond our control we may need to close the school at short notice.

If we need to close the school we will let you know through the following channels:

  • Text message to parents service (please ensure we have your most up to date mobile number).
  • The Worcestershire Hub web site at www.worcestershire.gov.uk (you will find the information on the special alerts sections on the home page, which will also have all other relevant information such as road closures).
  • We will also inform the local radio stations such as BBC H&W - 104 FM
  • You can also call the Worcestershire Hub on 01905 765765.
  • We will put a message on the schools private Facebook group.

We will obviously do everything we can to keep the school open and will only make the decision to close the school if we have no other choice and there are serious health and safety issues.