Upton Snodsbury C of E First School

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Upton Snodsbury C of E First School, School Lane, Worcester, Worcestershire WR7 4NH


01905 381288

Upton Snodsbury C of E First School

"Where a love of learning grows"

  1. Class Pages
  2. Owlets

Welcome to Owlets

Welcome to Owlet class where the love of learning starts at Upton Snodsbury C of E First School.  We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, offering first hand experiences, outdoor learning and following the children's own interests. Our learning environment is filled with many fantastic learning spaces to allow children to grow and flourish.  

Your child’s first year at Upton Snodsbury promises to be an exciting one, full of adventure, growth and enjoyment. Every child at Upton Snodsbury is celebrated for who they are and their achievements. The staff encourage the children to develop own lines of enquiry within a safe and loving environment where the children are happy, have fun and develop confidence to try new experiences.


Here are some pictures of the children exploring and learning:


Forest School is on a Tuesday. Children should come to school dressed in their polo tops, jumpers/cardigans, jogging bottoms and school shoes. They should also bring waterproofs and wellies to get changed in to. In winter children should also bring hats, scarves and gloves as we will be outside whatever the weather.

PE is on a Monday. Please ensure children's PE kit are always in school for the half term. 

Home learning:

We encourage children to read daily to an adult. Reading daily really does make a difference to their progress and language development. Reading diaries are checked weekly and stickers awarded to those reading regularly. Children's books will be changed once a week in line with the Little Wandle Phonic Scheme that we are following in school.

The children are also able to choose books from the library to share with you at home.

Your child will be given a Bug Club account with books to match their reading ability. Bug club allows children to read independently and answer comprehension questions which are tracked in school. They can also collect exciting rewards on the account.

Some other homework challenges may be set when appropriate to the curriculum or if your child requires additional support.

WOW moments:

If your child has achieved something special at home, please share these with us by email (office@upsnodsfirst.worcs.sch.uk) so that we can celebrate them in school too. (e.g. learn to ride their bike, moved up a stage swimming, joined a club)

Our curriculum:

Reception LTP 2024 2025

 Autumn 1       Autumn 2     Spring 1    Spring 2     Summer 1     Summer 2