History Intent:
In our school our Christian Values shapes all we do. We pride ourselves on applying our Christian Values to ensure Upton Snodsbury CofE First School is a place where a love of learning grows. At Upton Snodsbury CofE First school, our History curriculum engages and excites children’s curiosity and supports the development of key historical knowledge, skills and concepts through the study of British and local history and other significant time periods and societies as outlined by the National Curriculum. As they do this, pupils develop a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. They see diversity of human and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society. Sequential reaching of core skills and concepts; motivating through exciting learning, trip and visitors, give all of our children an opportunity to explore and question the past.
History Overviews
Snowy Owls History overview Year A
Barn Owls History overview Year A